District Lead Volunteer
Phil Woolaston
Phil has overall responsibility for the District.. It is his role to ensure the district runs effectively and that Scouting develops in accordance with the rules and policies of The Scout Association so that young people can benefit from good quality scouting.

District Chair
Andy Stafford
Andy chairs the Executive Committee which supports the District Commissioner in carrying out their role. The District Executive Committee shapes our decisions, approves our strategy and monitors our performance. It is the role of the exec to ensure good governance and that the district has the resources it needs to operate. As Chair Lyn leads on this.

District Youth Lead
Jett Semak
The District Youth Commissioner provides young people in the district a voice at a senior level. It is a fantastic opportunity for a young person to gain leadership and management experience. The DYC ensures that young people from 4 – 25 years are involved and engaged in every decision that shapes their Scouting experience locally, to empower young people to share their ideas and have a meaningful voice in planning, implementing and reviewing their programme and opportunities.
Scouting Structure
Scouts is all about connections. Find out how all it all fits together locally and nationally. While there are different groups, units, and teams we’re all part of the same family.
Leadership Team
The Senior Leadership Team are responsible for the day to day oversight of the District
Board of Trustees
The Trustee Board shapes and approves the strategy of The District and monitors our performance against that strategy.
Team Hinckley
Team Hinckley is made up of Team Leaders, Managers, and advisors who provide leadership alongside specialised support.
Programme Team
This Team provides support to sections in the district with anything programme-related and organises activities for young people.
Volunteer Development Team
This Team are look after our volunteer experience which includes Welcome and Induction, Learning,
14 - 24 Team
Our five explorer units and Network function much like sections in a group except they all sit at the District level.
Group Team
Our Group Scout Leaders manage our local groups and help the District Commissioner in ensuring Scouting develops in accordance with the rules and policies of The Scout Association.
Support Team
This Team are look after Safety, Safeguarding, Complaints, Data Compliance, Digital Services, Communications and Activity Centre