District Squirrel Drey


Chris Peacock – District Squirrel Drey Lead Volunteer

Meeting times

Squirrels (4 – 6) – Monday 16:15 – 17:15

Meeting Place:

Hope Community Church
Deveron Way
LE10 0XD

Interested in joining us?

If you would like your child to join a group or unit in Hinckley, please enter your details in the form below and one of our team will contact you.

Please be aware that, by entering your details below, you are permitting Hinckley District Scout Council to store and share the information supplied (with Scout Groups within Hinckley District) in order to assist in finding your child a place.

Scouting in Hinckley District is entirely volunteer led, with thousands of hours donated weekly by nearly 200 adult volunteers, please consider joining us.